Operating systems - Loading a simple kernel written in C

Table of Contents

In this post, we are describing how to write a simple C program and loading it from a 32-bit boot sector code.

In this post, our kernel is as simple as it can get. It consists of a stored variable in a specific location in the code.

Boot sector

The code we are going to use in this section has nothing new.

  • We are changing from 16-bit to 32-bit to be able to access more memory range.

  • We are jumping from boot sector code to memory code, stored in the next 512 bytes of the boot sector.

    ; A boot sector that boots a C Kernel in 32-bit protected mode [org 0x7c00] KERNEL_OFFSET equ 0x1000 ; The memory offset to which we will load the kernel

    mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl ; BIOS stores our boot drive in DL, ; So it’s best to remember this for later mov bp, 0x9000 ; Set-up the stack mov sp, bp

    mov bx, MSG_REAL_MODE ; Announce that we have entered first boot phase call print_string ; 16-bit real mode

    call load_kernel ; Load our kernel

    call switch_to_pm ; Switch to protected mode ; from which we will not return

    jmp $

    ; Include routines %include “print_string.asm” %include “disk_load.asm” %include “gdt.asm” %include “print_string_pm.asm” %include “switch_to_pm.asm”

    [bits 16]

    ; load_kernel load_kernel: mov bx, MSG_LOAD_KERNEL ; Print a message to say we are loading the kernel call print_string

    mov bx, KERNEL_OFFSET ; Setup the parameter for our disk_loaded routine, so mov dh, 15 ; that we load the first 15 sectors (Excluding boot sector) mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE] ; from the boot disk to address KERNEL_OFFSET call disk_load ret

    [bits 32]

    ; We arrive to this point after switching to and initialising protected mode

    BEGIN_PM: mov ebx, MSG_PROMPT_MODE ; Print welcome string in 32-bits call print_string_pm

    call KERNEL_OFFSET ; Jump to the address of our loaded kernel code ; If we have done things wright, the loaded, compiled ; kernel code will be at the defined location and we ; will have been able to go from asm to c code.

    jmp $ ; Hang. This happens when we exit the previous ; call, which, sould never happen

    ; Global variables BOOT_DRIVE db 0 MSG_REAL_MODE db “Loaded 16-bit real mode!”, 0 MSG_PROMPT_MODE db “Landed on 32-bit protected mode!”, 0 MSG_LOAD_KERNEL db “Loading Kernel into memory”, 0

    ; Bootsector padding times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xaa55


Kernel code:

void main(){
  // Create a pointer to a char and point it to the first text cell of
  // video memory (i.e. the top-left of the screen)
  char *video_memory = (char*) 0xb8000;
  // at the address pointed to by the video_memory, store a character 'X'
  // (i.e. display X on the top-left of the screen)
  *video_memory = 'X';

This code overwrites the video memory to contain a simple X.

To compile the above code, we are going to need to use these commands:

gcc -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o

We generate the .o file, which is the intermediate step in a C compilation routine. If we had more than one file, we would have to link each .o file together to create the final executable.

ld -o kernel.bin -Ttext 0x1000 kernel.o --oformat binary

Here is where we are telling the compiler that our code origin will start at section 0x1000.

We are jumping from the boot sector to the location 0x1000, which contains the compiled C code we have written.

The BIOS only loads the first 512 bytes of disk (Boot sector)

Kernel image

To simplify the problem of which disk and from which sectors to load the kernel code, the boot sector and kernel of an operating system can be grafted together into a kernel image, which can be written to the initial sectors of the boot disk, such that the boot sector code is always at the head of the kernel image.

To generate the kernel image, we concatenate both binary files created into a single file. There is a GNU/Linux command called cat that allows us to do this very easily.

cat asm/rose-os_boot_sector.bin kernel/kernel.bin > os-image

Now we have created the kernel image that we are going to load with Bochs.


The emulator I was using until now was called qemu, but in this section it started bailing on me, so I decided I was going to use Bochs from now on.

The initial configuration was somewhat cumbersome because I had to generate a .boshrc file and specify boot disk and other parameters, but in the long run, it provides a lot more control and granularity, which is very welcome.

The configuration file:

floppya: 1_44=os-image, status=inserted
log: ./bochs/bochsout.txt
debugger_log: ./bochs/debugger.out
boot: floppy

Once setting everything up, execute Bochs with the generated configuration file:

bochs -qf 'bochs/.bochsrc'

And in the command line, allow the code to continue execution (Write c in the prompt)


Xanded on 32-bit protected mode!03 Jan 2020
This VGA/VBE Bios is released under the GNU LGPL

Please visit :
 . http://bochs.sourceforge.net
 . http://www.nongnu.org/vgabios

Bochs VBE Display Adapter enabled

Bochs 2.6.10.svn BIOS - build: 01/05/20
$Revision: 13752 $ $Date: 2019-12-30 14:16:18 +0100 (Mon, 30 Dec 2019) $
Options: apmbios pcibios pnpbios eltorito rombios32

Press F12 for boot menu.

Booting from Floppy...
Loaded 16-bit real mode!
Loading Kernel into memory

Notice the X at the upper left of our result. This is the character referenced by our C-compiled code, and the last step of execution.

It is the proof of the jump we have made from boot sector to the second disk sector, which contains our C code (At location 0x1000.


Now, we have successfully jumped from the boot sector into a C-compiled section of code.

We can start writing our kernel, to allow communication from our hardware to our higher-level software, but this is still a long way away.